Uncover existing and potential vulnerabilities
Stay ahead of risks to reliably achieve objectives, address uncertainty, and act with integrity.

Protect Your Business with Citation Manage™ - Proactive Risk Auditing Made Easy
Citation Manage™ identifies both existing and potential vulnerabilities in core risk areas, allowing businesses to proactively incorporate measures into their best management practices and operations.
This is made possible by an extensive and continuously updated database that contains the most comprehensive and current regulations, including U.S. Code, Federal Register, Code of Federal Regulations, State Registers, State statutes, and State environmental, safety, health, and transportation regulations. Citation Manage™ also covers full environmental, health, safety, and security regulations for Canada (and each province), European Union, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, and Poland.
Manage Risk

➤ Tank design requirements (single or double walled; cathodic protection; leak detection systems, design codes)
➤ Tank installation requirements and pre‐operational testing
➤ Tank permits, licensing, and notifications
➤ Tank maintenance and monitoring
➤ Tank leak detection and repair
➤ Tank closure and removal requirements
✷ Note: tank releases, release reporting, and remediation are included under Incident Prevention and Response
➤ Air emission permits and licenses
➤ Air quality performance/emission standards
➤ Air emission monitoring and reporting
➤ Black smoke/opacity requirements
➤ Flaring restrictions
➤ Ozone‐depleting substances
All requirements related to asbestos, including requirements for inventories, monitoring, inspections, protective measures and equipment, medical monitoring, removal, certification, training, reporting, recordkeeping, disposal, prohibitions, etc.
➤ Chemical/product import and export
➤ Pre‐manufacturing and manufacturing notifications/registrations
➤ Product packaging, labeling, material safety data sheets
➤ Product specifications (including fuel specifications)
➤ Product stewardship
➤ Chemical/product storage, prohibitions, and management (except specific requirements for tanks, covered in above and below ground tank management)
➤ Storage of compressed gases
➤ Storage of flammable and combustible liquids (tanks covered separately)
➤ Hazardous materials management
➤ PCB requirements (for all aspects of PCB management)
➤ Pesticide management, including licenses, training, protective measures/equipment, packaging, storage, prohibitions, etc.
➤ Covers all community (not occupational*) noise issues, including:
➤ Public notice
➤ Public participation
➤ Standards
➤ Monitoring, reporting, recordkeeping
➤ Complaint management
➤ Reporting and response requirements when standards are exceeded
✷ Occupational noise is covered in Occupational Health
Rare and endangered species, wildlife capture/taking permits, scientific research requirements, genetically modified organism requirements, biodiversity, microorganisms, animal sighting reporting requirements, etc.
➤ Sanitary requirements (like cleanliness of meat contact surfaces) for the facility to prevent meat from getting contaminated
➤ Sanitary requirements (like cleanliness, hand sanitizing etc.) for the worker working in meat processing plant to prevent food from getting contaminanted
➤ Storage of the meat including temperature requirements
➤ Packaging of the meat
➤ Processing, storage of seafood
➤ Process, storage for juice, milk, ice
➤ Frozen treats, bottled water, etc.
➤ Food facility inspection
➤ Packaging, labeling, permit for all food products
➤ Cafeteria, food stand, food court, restaurant, etc.
➤ Environmental impact assessments
➤ Environmental planning requirements and approvals
➤ Multi‐media operating permits/licenses
➤ Multi‐media monitoring and inspection programs
➤ General pollution prevention
➤ Environmental audit requirements
➤ Environmental insurance requirements
➤ Environmental Management Systems
➤ Weather
➤ Fire safety, including fire codes
➤ Fire suppression equipment and procedures
➤ Fire egress
➤ Fire alarm systems
➤ Emergency alarm systems
➤ Incident prevention
➤ Evacuation planning
➤ Earthquake, hurricane, tsunami, other natural disaster response requirements
➤ Risk management and contingency planning
➤ Incident drills and response training
➤ Incident response requirements
➤ Incident reporting
➤ Incident recordkeeping
➤ Remediation
➤ When countries have a set of legal requirements associated with all aspects of marine operations the Marine subject area is used. However, if marine issues may be incorporated into other media‐specific laws (for example, a water law that includes permitting requirements for all discharges to land, fresh water, and marine water) then the media‐specific subject area is used.
➤ Boating regulations
➤ Commercial Fishing
➤ All aspects of occupational health, including:
➤ First aid and medical services
➤ Medical surveillance
➤ Blood borne pathogens
➤ Accident and injury reporting
➤ Recordkeeping
➤ Workplace exposure: standards, communication, monitoring, facility/risk assessments (noise, hazardous substances, chemical, physical, biological agents, radiation, other), management of risks
➤ Personal protective equipment
➤ Ergonomics
➤ Radiation
➤ Infectious Diseases (people) – reporting
➤ Drilling operations
➤ Well‐completion and well‐workover operations
➤ Oil and gas production safety systems
➤ Platforms, structures, pipelines
➤ Production requirements
➤ Equipment and line integrity for hydrocarbons under pressure
➤ Requirements for other pressure vessels (including boilers), reactors, and piping
All aspects of safety other than those separately listed, including:
➤ Construction safety
➤ Worker/safety committees
➤ Safety training
➤ Equipment and tool safety
➤ Machinery and machine guarding
➤ Welding, cutting and brazing
➤ Confined space entry
➤ Electrical safety including lockout/tagout
➤ Accident and injury reporting
➤ Recordkeeping
➤ Safety signs and markings
➤ Lifting
➤ Excavation
➤ Walking and working surfaces
➤ In‐plant powered vehicles
➤ Road, water, and air safety (except dangerous goods transportation covered separately)
➤ Forklifts
➤ Fall protection
➤ Access and egress
➤ Ladders
➤ Scaffolds
➤ Safety certifications and licenses
➤ Demolition
➤ Marine safety
➤ Certification and licensing of geologists, architects, engineers, plumbers, electricians, homes inspectors ‐ this includes continuing education
➤ Certification and licensing of nurses/doctors/physician assistants – this includes continuing education
➤ Child care regulations – building codes
➤ Firework manufacturing – not use of
➤ Facility and product/chemical security issues
✷ Digital security is not included in scope
➤ Covers transportation by road, rail, air, sea, and pipeline
➤ Preparation of dangerous goods for transportation (packaging, labeling, marking, manifesting)
➤ Transportation mechanism requirements (vehicle/vessel/pipeline) requirements, inspections, signage and placarding, driver licensing and certification, insurance, manifests, recordkeeping, and reporting
➤ Generator, storage, treatment, recycling, transportation, disposal, and export/import waste requirements for:
⬥ All waste types except asbestos (e.g., domestic waste, solid waste, hazardous waste, special waste, oily waste, dangerous waste, universal waste, etc.)
⬥ Generated in all locations (land, air, fresh water, marine)
➤ Water use
➤ Storm water and effluent discharges (to land, to water, to treatment systems)
➤ Water quality standards (surface water, marine water, groundwater)
➤ Drinking water
➤ Water quality monitoring, reporting, recordkeeping
➤ Wastewater treatment (including permitting, facility, personnel, reporting, and recordkeeping)
➤ In‐stream water flow
➤ Water ownership and allocation
➤ Water resource damage provisions